Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Chilling Correlation re Trophy Hunting and ISIS/ISIL Terrorists

Bloodlust brainwashed 'brat' - if children are the future heaven help the animals

We held off posting this blog post as we knew we had another article  with some of our comments  appearing in The Mirror newspaper/website again (and numerous other places)  which you can read here: 

 We think reporter Jeremy Armstrong & The Mirror have done a great job in the various articles we have given them  , a wonderful job, but as  newspapers only have so much space  allotted per story  (for in print and website ) not  all we said could be used, nor could all the photos we provided be  used, for various reasons such as  context and too gruesome.   So here below is  the  original version  that we sent them, as written in full by our  hardworking head admin 'Admin MVR ' :
                           - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

'' Like a scene from the horror of an ISIS  execution a child poses with the decapitated head of a giraffe

 Compare it to this shocking and stomach-turning  photograph, where a seven year old Australian boy is  proudly holding a severed head in Syria. That disturbing photograph was posted on Twitter by Khaled Sharrouf, an Australian jihadist in Syria, and shows the man's son holding a decapitated head. Gruesome and sickening,

Just like Allen Tarpley who proudly posted photos of  his sons aged seven and nine  with their slain lions. 

The victims are all different species but the correlation is clear.

At least that is what animal advocates  are claiming.

'' We are not saying hunters are terrorists  when we compare  the bragging photos of hunters with their animal victim, (albeit the animals may disagree  ) we are saying that  ISIS like to pose with their victims, and  serial killers often keep a trophy from their victim too. There is a distinct connection and correlation in our opinion and it is deeply disturbing. It is also a form of speciesm to   speak out against terrorists yet allow these hideous things to happen to sentient animals, who value their lives as much as humans do.'' -  Admin MVR of WWNBSAH

Sharouf  tweeted these  shocking images of his child and himself holding severed human heads 

 brainwashed 'brat' smears animal blood on face

Gemsbok (Oryx) slain - with child from previous photo above

Those who support hunting often claim that anti-hunters are more concerned about animals than humans. However  animal advocates disagree  

 WWNBSAH state '' It astonishes us how many hunters visit our pages and claim that we  do not care about humans rights issues and ask why we are not fighting against  that or abortion instead. The fact is we care about all the terrible things in the world affecting humans, children, animals  and unborn children , and  many of us campaign against those matters but this is an animal advocate page. We would ask in return why hunters spend time asking US why we do not campaign for those things, instead of campaigning ,commenting and threatening antihunters themselves'' - Admin MVR WWNBSAH

''A classic and amusing comment we uncovered is a hunter on a hunting forum all hot and bothered about people donating money after Jimmy Kimmel cried during a broadcast. We would ask this hunter why he is so upset,  hunters claim their money goes to conservation (untrue) yet get angry anti-hunters have donated to conservation/ protection of lions. Bizarre! We also give money to help 'poor' in Africa  not just for food but to  also help them help themselves . People do not want just handouts! That is not a longterm solution. Nor do they need  Mr or Mrs Great  White Hunter  to feed them!  Hunters ignorance of Africa astounds us, yet they claim to be such experts,  it makes me laugh when people outside of Africa try and tell those of us IN Africa what is what ', they speak as if everyone is living in a ' rondavel (round hut with thatched roof ) village' '' - Admin MVR WWNBSAH


This family are the definition of Family From Hell

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  1. jesus wept... I see exactly what you mean! Shocking. Well done 'WWNBSAH,' I have seen you in quite a lot of newspapers lately! You work really hard at this, admire you. Talia & Peter Brentham

  2. Creepy kids, asshole adults , damn shame all round


  3. OMG :-( these poor kids never stood a chance with such worthless parents, poor kids, poor animals.. poor world

  4. WWNBSAH - The exposed truth often shocks....Keep up the exposure - the naming and the shaming might just send a jolt through these 'sick' mini-murderers and their 'sick' families. I suspect your analogy of the animal killer's behaviour with ISIL’s glorification of its murders, plus the serial killer tendencies in animal killers and ISIL are clear to see for any civilised person.

    1. Very good way to get hurt.Just saying.Not me but others will may find you if you keep pulling this crap.

  5. They are spawns, they will grow just like these poachers.
    No class, no moral and no respect to others.

  6. We hunters will not be silenced.You want war you've got it.I will increase my support for the NRA,the Consumer Freedom Group,my like minded elected lawmakers and anyone else dedicated to wiping evil creeps like you off this planet.This has nothing to do with animal cruelty and everything to do with a bunch of entitled urban wackjobs shoving their sick perverted agenda down others throats.Inmy state if you interfer with legal hunting you will be thrown in jail.Pull AR terrorist acts and we will make sure you go to prison.Just ask Nicole Kissane and Joseph Buddenberg.

  7. Stop acting like a bunch of bitches. HUNTING IS A NATURAL WAY OF LIFE. I am proud to be a hunter and will not apoloize for killing an animal for food. Not every hunter is bad. Not every tree hugger is innocent stop tryig to put down people for hunting. Go ahead and trace me like you did chance. I love to meet in person and kick your ass.

  8. Stop acting like a bunch of bitches. HUNTING IS A NATURAL WAY OF LIFE. I am proud to be a hunter and will not apoloize for killing an animal for food. Not every hunter is bad. Not every tree hugger is innocent stop tryig to put down people for hunting. Go ahead and trace me like you did chance. I love to meet in person and kick your ass.

    1. you won't be that hard to trace Eric You want to kick my ass? Bring it on. If you want to make even more of a fool of yourself when a female leaves you sitting in the dust ;-) Admin MVR
