Sunday, 1 February 2015

TERRIBLE TROLL TODDLER TIME!! What happens to trolls on our page Part 1

We  do not mind when people from the opposing side  come to give their opinion and comments if they do so in a way that is civil , polite and not there to bait and troll. When they suffer from Foul-ous In The Mouth-ous we have a very rapid treatment for them,

Have a peek . Keep peeking back as we shall be adding to this post

The above screencapture is from the page run by Tony Pettengill


  1. BWAHAHAHAHAHAH sucks to be Mattthew Roorat Hoare eh?! Nicely done wwnbsah! You guys crack me up! Isay his name outlod it sounds like Roo Rat Whore BWAHAHAHAHAHA !! Ah ok guess the lil man cannot help the name he was given bit woweeee what a filthy gob he has on him. - Daniel (VIC)

  2. lol please add shane to the post on overweight double chinned hunters
    he fits there too

  3. wow what stupid people these trolls are

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. I agree, TonyPettengill is an absolute TROLL . I read all the stuff he wrote on your page, he started sneering even from the start though at first was not swearing, then it was like watching a nutter lose his grip on reality. The fact that he could post the kill pics on his own facebook page and claim they were not kill pics is a revelation, lol is the dude nuts or genuinely ignorant? HE was right about what he said about habitat destruction, but a lot of the other stuff he said was pure nonsense, I watched you explain things over and over to him including why morally there is no difference between a hunter and poacher and he threw his toys out of the pram and got his knickers in a knot.Then when he could not get his own way (what a control freak he seemed to be in some of his comments) he threw the huge expletive tantrum. Your polite comment on his page seems to have vanishedm so I would guess he deleted it then banned you, yet I still see him on your page WWNBSAH so it is interesting to note that he banned you even though you had not banned him. Why have you not banned him? I also have some great screencaptures of him that I will send you through PM on Facebook, I did not answer his comments on your page because I could tell it would be pointless, but I sure enjoyed reading them and placing a bet with myself that he would have a tantrum and I was right, I now have to pay myself a manicure, that was the bet hehehe. Will you allow him to post on this also? As for the other trolls featured here, they sure like to make themselves look bad!!!!! Thanks for your dedication , you have a great team, I wish I could buy you all a drink!!! - Carrie (Cape Town but currently visiting LONDON :-) :-) )
