Well here is an interesting example of someone throwing their toys out of the pram. We came across a post upon Kendall Jones's page of a hunter actually standing up in public and scolding her, ''brilliant!' we thought.
Well we were very impressed by this, and replied to that effect on that page ,whilst also mentioning the fact that our WWNBSAH is opposed to all hunting. Our Admin MVR thought it would be good to quote the apt part of what he had said in a post, and left his name out to avoid other hunters joining in attacking him on Kendall's page,
- Steve Elliott Brilliant. At least he has his facts straight.
- Steve Elliott Blaine, was that your comment? Well said Sir. Thank you!
- We Will Not Be Silenced about Hunters It was Blaine Tepes yesSteve Elliott - . It is not a total quote as I removed some of it - hence one sees 'snipped' here and there . I left in what I felt most of us will relate to (even if on opposing sides ) - MVR
- Blaine Tepes I just want to address a few things to Kendall, the "celebrity" who runs this page. I am an avid deer/squirrel/hog hunter myself, but there is a difference in hunting for food/protection and hunting for sport. I have absolutely no problem in you or any...See More
- Steve Elliott Cool thanks Blaine. I just had a conversation today in this regard. However, in regards to feeding the meat to the locals particularly in SA there are a couple of issues. Carcasses of animals like antelope, giraffe and elephant are normally get sold on to exporters and also the local meat market. Predators like lions, due to the high risk of parasites, diseases like TB and FIV's are considered unfit for human consumption and thus illegal to sell or distribute. Besides we really don't eat any predators over here. That said however, by law in Zimbabwe the animal belongs to the land and thus the Zimbabwean people, leaving it up to them to do with the carcass as they see fit. Hence the hype around the elephant in KJ's post in regards. All in all a very cool post and very refreshing to have your input.
So at first it looked like Blaine would be one of the rare reasonable and polite people from the 'hunt' side visiting the page... how wrong we were...as you will soon see
Far from being a sensible and rational person he soon morphed into a snarling rude man because we had the audacity to say on our own page that we oppose consuming animals. We had the audacity to say you do not eat what you care about, He threw his 'facts ' in yet stamped his foot when we did the same. He started namecalling and iinsultng. He started twisting things. It was astounding to say the least. His friend Emily was at first misunderstanding what was said but eventually she realised she might have misunderstood. We were baffled why Blaine could not grasp what was actually being said.
- Tyler Griswold I firmly believe that all hunting should be for food ingredients and not for fun or sport. It makes sense anyway. Yes there are rare ingredients to hunt for, but if a species is endangered it's smart to not hunt that particular species for food because they need to be protected as a whole so they don't become extinct. In my opinion, hunting for fun doesn't seem right for some reason. What purpose is the taking of life of innocent animals without a conscience having if it's just for sport? I say (Although I've never hunted before), if you're going to hunt, hunt for the purpose of sustenance, and hunt only those species who can easily maintain themselves and reproduce.
- Blaine Tepes Tyler makes my point even more clearly than I did. People like Emily and myself hunt animals that can be hunted without causing sustainable damage to the environment. (There is a reason deer season isn't all year long). If a species gets too close to being endangered, we stop hunting them, simple as that.
- We Will Not Be Silenced about Hunters Of course I am glad thatTyler Griswold can see it is wrong to kill for 'fun or sport' but there the common ground ends on that part , because it is wrong to kill just to satisfy selfish taste buds too. We have other other options. We do not NEED meat to survive and thrive.There is a difference between need and want
- Blaine Tepes As we've already proven time and time again, man has full authority t take what he needs from the earth. The fact that you're too ignorant to use what has been given to us is none of my concern.
- We Will Not Be Silenced about Hunters No you have not proved anything Blaine Tepes - man does NOT have full authority at all. Bluntly You cannot prove he has, and I cannot prove he hasn't. You objected to my using the word 'weak' yet you use the word ignorant, Now you will have to excuse me but I spent 34 hours travelling and am in need of some rest . Be well.
- Blaine Tepes To be clear, THIS was my entire comment. Not sure why the admin didn't link me, but no bother.
"I just want to address a few things to Kendall, the "celebrity" who runs this page. I am an avid deer/squirrel/hog hunter myself, but there is a differenc...See More - Hide 44 Replies
- We Will Not Be Silenced about Hunters I would suggest you andEmily McGrane study this Blaine Tepes - it might explain a lot to you
- Blaine Tepes I see your random, non-credible picture and raise you an actual scientific study. Eating meat does not harm our bodies. Rather, eating too much meat can, the same way as eating too much of anything can harm you. Humans have evolved into creatures who c...See More
- Emily McGrane It's been proven that plants also feel pain.
When a plants leaf was burnt while still connected it sent electrical signals throughout the plants signaling pain.
More comes with the experiment.
Sounds like it deserves to not be eaten by your logic.
And that picture made me face palm, I'm sorry... - We Will Not Be Silenced about Hunters Plants do NOT have a central nervous system . Do you honestly think, nature, would have given everything else that has a central nervous system the abilty to flee, to move from danger ,apart from plants. It is not a picture it is a chart. If you cannot see the plain truth for yourself that is your weakness not ours, https://www.facebook.com/notes/we-will-not-be-silenced-about-hunters/the-comparative-anatomy-of-eating/1538380579736488 suggest you read that. (however at leastBlaine Tepes and Emily McGrane have manners when they visit this page ) Blaine do some digging and you will find which industry has helped finance Dr Vaclav Smi's research at times
- Blaine Tepes When God (not nature) designed the Earth and all its inhabitants, Adam and Eve were living in the Garden of Eden, where they did not need to eat. We were originally made to be in God's image. Carnivores kill and eat animals the same way as herbivores "...See More
- Emily McGrane Was there a comment someone deleted?
Oh my the things that happen when I sleep! - We Will Not Be Silenced about Hunters Blaine Tepes , I have 'disrespected' you?? I think not! I have treated you a hell of a lot more politely here than your fellow hunters treated you on Kendall J's page. As for 'G-d's word' well I am sorry BUT we have no way of knowing THAT because the bible was written by man. So I tend to leave religion out of it. I said if you are too weak to see the truth because many people just blindly follow the crowd and do not want to see. I gave you scientific facts regarding the human form. Sorry if it is too uncomfortable for you to accept.. I think you need to remember that there is o tone of voice in text . I am definitly NOT on a course of hypocrisy and evil. To me it is meat eaters who are the hypocrites when they chow down on cow yet weep or shake heads over dogs used for meat elsewhere. To me it is evil to kill. I I eat no flesh at all . I avoid all animal products, You have been treated very well by myself here especially taking into account you are from the 'enemy' side, However I am sorry if you feel otherwise. I am not sorry for what I said though, because at no point was I rude or abusive to you or Emily McGrane. cheers .
- Blaine Tepes The mere fact that you refer to Emily and myself as "enemies" is proof enough of what you are. You're nothing more than a sheep following other activists. You refuse to use the word God because you know you cannot argue what's written in the Bible, so ...See More
- Monica Gilbert What a hypocritical godbotherer. I had respect for you when I started to read the quoted pieces of your comment on KJs page Blaine. Now you've just melded into the rest of the supposedly "christian" christians who believe a mouldy old book written by...See More
- Blaine Tepes It's amazing how quickly and easily a person can resort to immature name-calling when they realize they're on the wrong side of the fence. So you're saying that just because I have faith in a life beyond this one, that makes everything I said invalid? I find it hard to believe that someone can take it upon themselves to label me as a "typical christian" after reading just a few of my comments, without getting to personally know me. For example, did you know that I fully support the LGBT community and firmly believe that the union of two people, regardless of gender, is not a sin? Of course you didn't, because you jumped to conclusions just like every other ignorant troll on here. You don't actually care about my beliefs at all. You're just looking for a way to discredit my statements. I find it extremely hard to believe that me hunting 1-3 deer and 6-12 squirrels a year is "ruining the planet". I don't drive around on a jacked-up diesel pickup. On the contrary, I drive a small Chevy Lumina to save gas and I keep the engine clean to cut down on emissions. But again, you wouldn't know any of this because you'd rather throw insult at me than learn anything about me. Not once did you hear me blame vegetarians/vegans for ANYTHING. Not once have I gotten angry or vulgar or in any way ill-tempered towards the admin on this page. As a matter of fact, here is an exact quote from my last comment:
"Emily and I tried to let this whole thing go, and accept you for who you are, but you keep on with your "charts" and "scientific studies" and non-sense trying to turn us away from eating meat."
Emily and I, on more than one occasion, told the admin on this page that we are more than willing to accept his/her choice not eat meat. All we ask is that he/she accept our right to do as we wish and stop trying to condemn our choices and to stop attempting to "turn us from our evil ways". This admin has called us both evil on more than one occasion. However, this stubborn admin, and now one of his/her sheep, refuse to just leave us be. You two just HAVE to keep commenting with your hateful speech. If I "belong on Kendall's page with the rest off the carcass fondlers" then you belong over at Fox News with the rest of the country who refuses to be in any way tolerant of other people. - Emily McGrane Woah Woah Woah. Monica, that was uncalled for. I too am a Christian and there was no need for the unnecessary comment many levels. It's behavior like that that causes people to dislike activists more, the immediate attack (and vice versa).
I too also FULLY support the LGBT community and also a part of it. I also dont believe that just because someone has a different belief that they are damned, no, they don't deserve to be attacked like many Christians do. I've apologized many times on behalf of Christians for they obnoxious and rude behavior. I have stood up to other Christians in defense of others putting them in their rightful place for their hate and unnecessary behavior.
Also, yes, I do eat meat. That is MY choice like it's YOUR choice to not for your reasons. But I do love animals more than you could possibly imagine. I don't eat meat all the time, I prefer to eat a nice salad with my favorite ingredients of strawberries, sun flower seeds, cheese ect... but I do eat meat during that womanly time of the month for the nutrients I need to not get anemic and sick due to how heavily it can get.
Joys of being a woman right?
But I ALSO know where my meat comes from. That it's done properly, not in humanely, yes I've watched horrible videos on how slaughter houses do their thing. It SICKENS me. So I make sure where it comes from... I also say thank you to the animal that was taken and that I'm sorry it happened. Sometimes when done RIGHT it's better than being attacked in the wild and ripped to shreds (don't get me wrong I love my wolves).
Lastly, I've worked in the shelter and a wildlife rescue, I supported no trapping knowing the animals can be in excruciating pain for HOURS, I had my squirrels and my God I loved them with all of my heart. Nutter Butter was my girl!
I also currently have a rescued rabbit that WAS going to be eaten at an Amish farm. He's a fat happy bunny with tons of romaine lettuce, bunny food and Timothy hay not to mention my dogs (Both Siberian Huskies) cuddle him... I trained them that way.
I go and I EDUCATE hunters in my area about the need to respect life and the balance of the ecosystems. I tell them WHY trapping for skin is WRONG and that it's not humane by any means. I get so much ridicule for it too, I tell them they ARE God's creations that we were put here to protect and watch over, we can hunt but that's not for sport. It's SURVIVAL. They get all high and mighty like "oho, look at meh, I haz a big ol' gun to kill thangs! I'm a proud 'Murican!" Yeah I hate them... it's the respectable hunters that I condone.
So please, I implore you, put down your weapons of Anger and lashing out on us who do believe that life is precious and DO fight but we happen to eat meat here and there from the right sources.
Fight the real enemy, the real evil... those who simply kill for JOY. - Emily McGrane Finally my mind was working thus morning so I could think clearly with this.
I didn't want to say anything until I was quite literally able to lol - We Will Not Be Silenced about Hunters Emily McGrane first , the page team appreciated you word your comments here with politeness . Also understand that you think you care a lot about animals, (and act to care for them ) I do grasp that , I like that you oppose trapping, but I feel you need to care more. Because people who really truly care do not consume or kill whar they care about. (unless it is an act of mercy or self defence ) If you want to send PM to page I will happily advise you on what you can eat during THAT time of month to help Being vegan or vegetarian does not cause anaemia (or anemia for those from the US ) It is just nonsense when people state that a vegan or vegetarian diet will make someone anemic or whatever. Of course any diet can lead to problems if not done correctly , eating is really a bit of a science, people know what they like to eat but do not always know what they should eat and in what balnce and quantty or quality., can but it is not the being vegan . Moving slightly away from that, it is a shame you did not appear to notice this post. from the other day Do you know we never seem to see any hunters speak out against this yet we often see them cuddling dogs : :https://www.facebook.com/WeWillNotBeSilencedAboutHunters/photos/a.1479444658963414.1073741827.1476755835898963/1613844355523443/?type=1&theater
ver seem to see them speak out against the cat and dog meat trade. Odd eh? At #WWNBSAH our page is against all meat . If you wouldn't eat a husky burger or steak (as some countries do ) why eat ANY meat is our question. Like it or not, ALL has a right to life. - Blaine Tepes How DARE you tell Emily she needs to care more! Who gives you the authority to pass judgement on her or anyone else?! You don't know a damn thing about her body or what she needs to eat! You people have no respect for her, for myself, or even for yours...See More
- Emily McGrane Excuse me but please refrain from your rudeness. I am done with this. Good night.
- Emily McGrane "I want to say.
I deleted my last post for good reason. I won't go into why.
But, when you bring an animal of any kind into your home, it'd not "Just an animal". It becomes your family, you're given the chance to experience unconditional love, loyalty and kinship.
You cherish that wonderful life and you let that life know it's worth something. By loving it.
You don't just feed it, water it, and give it shelter.
When you took it in, whether bought, rescued or found, you welcomed a being into your heart, life and soul. You made an unseen but not unfelt contract to take care of that animal more than simply taking care of basic needs.
You love it, unconditionally.
I guarantee it will be returned.
No matter what animal.
Katara is a prime example as of a couple of nights ago when I was so depressed.
I love both my dogs as if I birthed them myself.
Even Prince whom was unwanted in 3 other homes has transformed, he's so fucking happy, he has a brightness in his face now that was not there when I brought him home.
I've loved many types of animals, including the wild ones.
My Canadian Goose,my squirrels, the raccoons I helped rehabilitate. Hell I even had my favorite baby skunk Pierre.
Remember when I brought Kakarot home? He was going to be rabbit stew! But now he is a FAT happy rabbit.
I have homework for all animal owners on my friends list and my followers.
Please, hug your dog, cat or lizard you have.
For those with birds, rub them and tell them all you love them, appreciate their love and companionship.
Remember, they just might save your life someday. They deserve as much as you can give.
They are family, your children with fur, scales or feathers. And they love you, depend on you, and will ALWAYS be there for you when people can't or won't be
my last status from a few hours ago.
how dare you tell me I dint care... - We Will Not Be Silenced about Hunters Blaine Tepes personally I do not condone name calling, but it happens on both sides of the fence . As for the rest of your comment in reply to my reply to you, you have misunderstood totally, (as I expected ) it would be pointless trying to explain here. You even misunderstood why I used 'G-d' ', and chose to see that as a refusual to use the name. Suggest you type into google the line 'why do you type 'G-d' I can respect people's choices up to a point, however when that point comes to killing, be it animal human or unborn child, I do not have to respect that choice at all. It is wrong to kill. (the only exceptions are self defence, or to ease suffering ) feel free to PM me Blaine Tepes , just mark it for 'admin MVR'
- Emily McGrane Thanks for ignoring peace out and I hope you realize we are fighting for animals.
Stop attacking us. - Blaine Tepes To hell with you and your elitist garbage! You have called us weak, evil, ignorant, etc. Emily and I have tried respectfully taking to you, and you have not shown us the slightest bit of common decency. You call yourselves activists and claim to care about animals, yet you have no respect at all for other human beings. You're no activists. You're a joke.
- We Will Not Be Silenced about Hunters I am not ignoring you Emily McGrane I am travel weary, and can only respond to one person at a time anyway . I have not called either of you 'evil' , both of you need to calm down, that goes for you also Blaine Tepes . You have both been some of the more 'sensible and uninsulting' reps from the 'other side' until now. Calm down and remember there is no tone of voice in text. show me WHERE I was 'rude' to you Emily McGrane (lost ) , as I said before I get that you are kind and caring with animals, I said however you need to care more (to another level ) I am not trying to force you, I am trying to show you how, you cannot (and should not) force anyone to do anything, must just show the path and if they follow then they follow, I hate being misunderstood, we all do. Including you, but I am off to bed now, as I stated earlier, 34 hours of travelling. I am guessing it is late where you both are also. Good night Emily McGrane and Blaine Tepes
- Emily McGrane "Also understand that you think you care a lot about animals, (and act to care for them ) I do grasp that"
"but I feel you need to care more."
I am DEEPLY offended by these words and quite hurt by them....See More - We Will Not Be Silenced about Hunters Emily McGrane I applaud the actions you have done to care for THOSE animals. You are upset so misunderstanding me. I am not trying to upset you or to hurt you. You and I have common ground on many levels. I am saying you need to care more ,I even say the same to myself, that I need to do more for all animals even though I ehaust myself with all I already do. It is difficult to explain what I mean by this when you are so defensive and upset (I would be the same , it is human nature when we feel attacked. I am not trying to hurt your feelings at all. (nor wanting to ) I am asking you how, if you care, can you kill and consume. I am trying to show you , that whilst you are caring for those animals , there is more to do, and that includes protecting all animals on the earthm take huskies for example, (they are my favourite breed out of all dogs by the way ) elsewhere, others are eating them. It must be stopped. It all must stop. Animals are not here to be ruled by us or tortured or killed by us, Lovely to hear about what you HAVE done so far and keep us posted about other ones. Why do you get hate for helping animals? Who gives you hate for that? I am not telling you that you do NOT care, I am saying you need to care more, That starts with taking animals off the menu. I love your salad ideas , I too include fruit and seeds in mine . mine have vegan cheese however,. People like Kendall Jones love to post 'PR pics' of them holding dogs yet NEVER speak out against the dog and cat meat trade. That is why I linked you to our post on that , Do send me a PM here, (attn of Admin MVR) so we can talk further .
- Blaine Tepes She kills and consumes because that's what humans were meant to do you arrogant ass...
Sorry Emily. This blowhard buffoon is just talking in circles. This conversation isn't going anywhere because this moron doesn't know how to let people live the way they want. Obviously, talking doesn't get through to his insanely thick skull... so I dont know what else can be done at this point. I say we just let this "activist" go back to shaming hunters since that's apparently all he's good for. Seems like he cares more about shaming hunters than he does helping animals... Hmph! Some activist... - We Will Not Be Silenced about Hunters well really Blaine Tepeswhat a rude obnoxious person you are now demonstrating yourself to be . Interestingly enough YOU are the one being rude, YOU are the one name calling. I was polite with you even though we are on opposite sides. And to think I had admired what you had said about Kendall Jones. You have acted like hunters usually act . NOW we see your TRUE colours, Thanks . PS the admin that has been answering you, and there are seven of us, is FEMALE. Not that gender matters. I do not feel I shall answer your rude comments further.
- Blaine Tepes My true colors? You mean the fact that I'm trying to defend my right to eat however I wish? Oh yeah... Im SOO EVIL!! . The thing is, we dont have to be on opposite sides, I've asked you time and time again to just LET IT GO. Also, I dont see what gender has to do with anything. But I suppose, when all else fails, just say "I'm a girl" and the lonely facebook users will start pandering to you right? Wrong. I treat everyone equally. So, if you dont mind, stop responding. I couldn't care less if I've earned or lost your "respect". You obviously have no respect for anyone, otherwise you would've allowed Emily and myself to end this conversation a long time ago.
- We Will Not Be Silenced about Hunters Blaine Tepes, nowhere has our Admin MVR said you were evil, you are the one that keeps saying you are. Nowhere has she been rude to you, even though you were pretty rude to her on a few comments. You could have ended the conversation by simply not replying. Her gender has nothing to do with it, she pointed out that she was not a he, I also think you are very rude , We are on opposite sides yes and will remain so. That much is obvious. Nowhere has she tried to force either of you into anything, if anything she also said you cannot and should not force people if you actually bother to read what she said, rather than just jumping up and down as if someone put hot coals into your underwear. What a hissy fit you threw the last few days. Shameful ! (shaking head )
- We Will Not Be Silenced about Hunters LOL I LOVE how Blaine Tepes tells someone not to reply on their own page. What a nerve . Too funny. Surprised Admin MVR hasn't banned him the last few days
- Blaine Tepes "To me it is evil to kill." This is the moment SHE referred to myself and Emily as evil. This whole conversation has just gotten completely ridiculous. It's become painfully obvious that we are not on equal ground here. Emily and I have both tried to b...See More
- We Will Not Be Silenced about Hunters Let us get a few things straight shall we Blaine Tepes . Firstly Admin MVR did not steal your words, she quoted what was apt to this page from them, what a shame you totally overlook the fact she said : '' it is always refreshing to see when hunters also stand up on Kendall ( You Know Which Kendall We Mean ) 's page and speak out . Whilst we do not support the fact he hunts we were glad to see him 'scold' her. Not surprisingly many other hunters then turned on him quite nastily This is part of what he said '' . She did not use your name to prevent your being attacked by some. I am sure she now wishes she had not bothered trying to praise the fact you spoke out . You are right, this has just gotten completely ridiculous, with you twisting everything. I have read and reread all the messages and you totally fail to grasp what is being said to you. Why are you so defensive? Makes it appear you feel guilty. Nowhere has she actually attacked you or your friend Emily McGrane . She has tried to reach out to you. You say SHE showed you charts and article etc but you forget you tried to show her an article (that was written by a doctor who has his research funded by the meat industry! ) which she had the grace to read, did you even bother to read what she put to you? No you are too busy twisting things and stamping that foot and namecalling. This page is against hunting...no ifs no buts, the page is against it. There may be some members who are only opposed to trophy hunting, but the page itself is against all hunting. I happen to be replying because Admin MVR is probably in bed. There IS a time difference. However she is probably sick of your attention seeking and tantrums. You have thrown YOUR religious beliefs at us, yet whinge when what we believe in is brought up. She also invited you both to PM to discuss, which you both ignored. Maybe you are one person, who knows where the net is concerned. I noticed her acknowledge what your friend Emily HAS done so far, you fail to see that. I agree with MVR, we ALL CAN AND SHOULD do MORE for animals. I also agree you dont kill what you care for, so go ahead and attack me now. Or wise up and learn how to disagree without namecalling and being an insulting person.
- Emily McGrane I think we all should sit for a minute.
Take a deep breath.
Calm down and discuss what we do agree with
We're too upset and possibly (because we are in different countries) there may be a slight language misunderstanding? (To an extent) yes everyone could do more.
I do what I CAN but please recognize my love for animals is unconditional... I realize that you love them unconditionally as well.
We have our views that are different but all in all our GOAL together is the same in a sense. - We Will Not Be Silenced about Hunters hello Emily McGrane , welcome back and yes nicely said, I saw MVR ask for it to calm down earlier also, Yes there is a language difference.. I understand MVR well and she was not actually attacking you, which if you read and reread you will perhaps see that. I had a peek at your profile earlier too, I do see there are some common goals yes
- Blaine Tepes You cannot kill that which you care for? So.. if I see an animal who was hit by a car, and half it's entrails are missing, and it is clear that the animal is in pain, does that mean I have to just watch the animal suffer and die? Or am I allowed to do what is necessary to end it's suffering? Is it so black and white that if we kill an animal, we must not care about it? Because that is essentially what is happening in our woodlands right now. Deer/hogs/wolves etc are starving to death and suffering because the woods we hunt in are overpopulated. You can say it's because we humans are taking up too much space, but let me ask you. Do you live in a house? Of course you do. Was the land cleared to make room for your home? Of course it was. So, essentially, You're just as guilty as anyone else of driving animals out of their habitats and forcing them to become overpopulated. WhatEmily and I do helps the animals in our environment by allowing them to not be so crowded and to have more food/water to live off of. If we did things your way, every forest in this country (U.S.) would be vastly overpopulated and most animals would be starving to death rather than being spared that horrific fate. What we do is simple, we respectfully take the nutrients we need while being careful not to take more than we should. If you cannot (or refuse to) understand that some hunters actually HELP the environment, then you really have no business having a discussion with anyone about animal rights.
- Emily McGrane It was the comment of you "think" you care.
The word think seemed negative as if I really don't.
but I realize that even in other English speaking parts of the world words are composed differently.
I am very happy about your work you're doing and everyone (even on the same side) have disagreements and arguments.
But we do need to try and have people understand about the true nature and love of animals.
We all get hot headed and we ALL jump to stand for our differences, but because we're human and do focus so much on the negative (I am so guilty for that lol) we forget common views!
- We Will Not Be Silenced about Hunters Sorry Blaine Tepes but I have no desire to converse with you while you keep twisting things , if you actually read what had been said before you will see that it had been said that 'self defence and to ease suffering ' had been mentioned a few times. Please go away until you have a cool head. (we are not buying the 'I hunt to ease animal suffering' it is not city folk running this page you know, we are a bit more clued up on things than you realise. I am sure you will have an angry retort to make but here is an idea, sleep on it for a day, in the meantime I shall answerEmily McGrane instead .
- We Will Not Be Silenced about Hunters Emily McGrane I can assure you that you missunderstood what she was attempting to say to you, which is easy to do in text as we all know, even without langage barriers and differences.. Some of the Admins chat on skype and discuss posts .That was also why she was inviting you to PM (private message ) so that she could clear up misunderstandings . Hopefully things can calm down somewhat now
- Emily McGrane It's ok, I lose temper sometimes (as demonstrated and I apologize for that) I would PM and I just might, I would like to hear more of your work and we can leave out eating habits as that is a touchy subject at the moment I'm not feeling well but please keep in contact. And I'm sure Blaine will calm down. He's actually a really great guy but just like you and I, will stand up for our belief/life decisions
- Blaine Tepes Of course you aren't going to reply to my comments. You know that killing for the sake of stopping overpopulation is completely fine. You're just too arrogant to admit it.
- We Will Not Be Silenced about Hunters Oh dear , Blaine Tepes , You really do not get it do you. The reason we stop replying to someone's comments is for the following reasons including, ( but not limited to ) the following :: 1) we are not actually here to argue with people , we are here to speak out for animals 2) there is no point going round and round in circles with some people 3) the person is being rude 4) The person is having a textual toddler tantrum. So far you appear by your own conduct here to fit into all 4 of those and three other categories to boot! I want to quote some of your own words too you Blaine Tepes On May 2nd you said : QUOTE: '' It's amazing how quickly and easily a person can resort to immature name-calling when they realize they're on the wrong side of the fence. '' END QUOTE now let me remind you of these words you have uttered in our directions . You have said: ''you arrogant ass. '' ''blowhard buffoon'' ' moron' . YOUR OWN WORDS Blaine Tepes . Looks like name calling to us Blaine!!! . You then quote MVR "To me it is evil to kill." and follow that up with your words of '' This is the moment SHE referred to myself and Emily as evil. '' ..... Say what???!! . HUH??? That is the moment? Dear boy, she said IT not YOU. --- IT --IT-- IT-- IT-- IT. IT as IN The ACT. She did not say YOU . Learn the difference! It was suggested you go away and return when calm. but you so obviously do not WANT to be calm. WHEN you are CALM read the following and DISCUSS. (you are able to actually discuss aren't you? Or are you just a hotheaded hunter who can only blow steam and fury. We are sure you are a 'great guy'' in some ways but you are not acting like it here, and I do not say that because you have a different view, You pouted religious (unproven) stuff down our throats yet resent when we talk of OUR beliefs, Now finally answering your most recent comment ( where you ignored a request to 'sleep on it' ) you said QUOTE :'' You know that killing for the sake of stopping overpopulation is completely fine. You're just too arrogant to admit it. '' END QUOTE Oh dear, They hoodwinked you with THAT one huh? You really fell for that bullsh*t? It is understandable if you did because they are good at brainwashing some and convincing others. Blaine, take a step back, chew this one over, and give it some thought, We will never change your mind, because stubborn people will never change, it takes strength to change ...and as MVR wisely said , you cannot force change,,, however it never hurts to explain does it...Hunting does not actually reduce animal population in terms of deer . If anything huntetrs removing some individuals from the population actually results in more food per deer, which leads to the births of more deer, remember this is including twins and triplets. Deer self-regulate and will give birth to fewer fawns when food is scarce. If the deer population needs to be reduced/controlled, non lethal methods can be used.. Hunting is , and will always be ,ineffective because state wildlife management agencies intentionally keep the deer population high, for hunters. You talk about your 1-3 deer a year, you are one person, now multiply that amount by all the hunters, it is an animal holocaust. Do you have any idea of the numbers of animals slaughtered in your country per annum? Instead of stamping your foot further DISCUSS. We Admin have NOT been calling you names. Kindly afford us the same. Thank you.Like ·
crumbs!! is this blaine bipolar or something? I was admiring his words to the revolting Kendall Jones then read the rest and my jaw hit floor . Jeeeze louise!!! How is he so unable to get what you were saying, it is like you people (admins) are saying something in english and he is using some martian translator and getting all you say wrong. LOLZ . Whewww that man needs a chill pill pronto!! - Kelly H (Dublin)
ReplyDeleteWe don't know, we are as puzzled as you are Kelly, and quite honestly kind of saddened by it all, he just could not or would not calm himself and understand he was taking all the wrong way . I cannot laugh about it, it seems a real shame it all went that way - MVR
DeleteFFS what a prat!!!! What a complete prat! I started off admiring his stand then thought god he has a screw loose!! Dipshit nutter !!!
ReplyDeleteuh huh it kind of did go rather pearshaped .
Deletehey Blaine temper temper !!!! Tut tut tut!!
ReplyDeleteMoron alert. yeah he looked ''normal'' at first then switched into Jeckyl/ Hyde modus operandus. What was his problem? I got what you were trying to say. Looks like only he is entitled to an opinion, in his little mind that is. what a shame., he could have been one of the rare polite ones as you said but no was not to be. Angry liittle defensive boy. I didn't see a lot of this on the page, damn that I missed it. Hey WWNBSAH did you know not all copied and pasted over? Some of the comments have that 'see more' thing but when you try and read the rest the link back does not work . :-(
ReplyDeleteOh no really?? Sorry about that, I thought it had all copied over, I kept clicking the ''see more'' parts before i copied. Eish. I cannot do anything about that now sorry, - MVR
DeleteI saw it on the page , I switched off from reading more of his comments until you posted this , it was when he started trying to ram religious stuff down our throats that I walked away from the post on page, now just read it all wow , what is it with these foolish people who think a bible is God's word. God is not on paper, God is not on film. God is in hearts . Man is the one who makes the bible as you pointed out. Maybe Blaine is a drunk when he answers . I would send him a request and try to talk some sense into him about how he acted but I can see it would be a waste of time, he is not interested in what others think or feel, just his own thoughts, hey maybe he is ADHD or somthing? I was even wondering if he is that Emily at one point or maybe not even a male , he just seems strange?????? I think his name is a computer game psuedonym??? x
ReplyDeleteNo idea. sorry :-) Think we prefer Emily lol, She lost cool at one point then calmed down and was sensible again. - MVR
DeleteI liked that Emily did calm down and speak sensibly. I can see she cares about animals but yeah if you care don't kill, can't look after some species and shove others on plate, basic human hypocrisy, glad I saw the light. I cannot stand the arrogant Blaine though! What a strange man !! Think he was stoned or drunk???!!!!!
ReplyDeletewho knows, it is just rather all very sad in a way , I am not into arguments
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