Friday, 22 May 2015

W.H.A.C.K Tees re Corey Knowlton EXCLUSIVE -

Do you want to  help with REAL rhino conservation?

Do you want to  stand up and show your contempt for NON-Conservationist animal killer  Corey  Knowlton?

Of course you do, we see all the angry comments whizzing around the internet, we've made joke dartboards but we are very serious about these shirts,

The majority of people  are  rightly angered   about  what has happened in Namibia.

We want to  do something  to not only show  our pure and utter contempt for what Corey Knowlton has done, but to also raise money for REAL conservation . 

We have  some excellent rhino projects in mind that could really benefit from funds. Funds  that will pay for vet treatments and milk formula. Perhaps even help with  anti-poaching costs. 

What we want to know is are you willing to buy a t-shirt, with  the profits going to legitimate on the ground-out in the field  organisations who are  saving the survivors of rhino  poaching   

If you are willing , we already have the design  (see above ) and talking to a few companies about the shirts. We can't go ahead unless we know enough people are going to  buy one

As mentioned we are  still looking into it but the costs look like an estimated   200 Rand  per Tshirt  ( £11/12 GB Pound ) ($17/18 USA  )  

what say you?  

 Do you want to W.H.A.C.K   him? A fun yet harmless way of expressing your feelings!

World Hates Asshole Corey Knowlton !!!  

Let us know by commenting here on our blog or  preferably by contacting us via  our InBox on FaceBook (click:  )

 Twitter : @WWNBSAH


  1. Good idea! I'll take three!

  2. I LOVE THIS! Thank you. Corey Knowlton is a douchebag scum. Human garbage!
