Wednesday, 31 December 2014

We need YOUR help to SAVE our LIONS! Tweetstorm Jan 3 and petition that must be signed BEFORE Jan 27

We write this from WWNBSAH HQ in South Africa, the lives of our lions depend on YOUR help, they depend on YOU ( no matter where in the world you are) taking action!  

 They depend on YOU standing up and speaking out they depend on YOU signing this petition (and joining tweetstorm event) below

  They depend on YOU SHARING this petition and tweetstorm  via Facebook, Twitter, email, BBM, WhatsApp and any other social media-  will YOU help?

CLICK HERE to sign this PETITION - we only have until Jan 27 to get the USFWS to change the status of lions from threatened to ENDANGERED

   Three pages from Facebook joined up to do this -  The Real Kendall Jones Exposed,  plus Slob Hunters Are Total Terrorists and ourselves at We Will Not Be Silenced About Hunters (click on the page names to go to the Facebook pages)


Click HERE for more info on the TWEETSTORM event that will take place January 3 2015 . Help us with this also. It is so simple to do. The tweets containing the important hashtag  to this event will be released there on the event page nearer the time along with the tweetsheet (All the 'hard work' has been done for you . All you will have to do is make a twitter account (if you do not have one already)  and press the button by each already prepared tweet  on the tweetsheet to help us. ) The last one we 3 pages all joined up on actually trended on Twitter, even Ricky Gervais and other public figures joined in. Be part of it please!

American trophy hunters take home 60% of the lion 'trophies'. If an endangered status and a ban on imports is put in place this will decrease the demand and force South Africa to look into more profitable sources of revenue such as eco-tourism which provides many more jobs and brings in greater revenue to a greater number of people. 

If USFWS continues on its current path it will be directly contributing to the extinction of the wild lions and the despicable practice of hunting lions raised like dogs in a puppy mill.

Trophy hunters say they are contributing to the economy and feeding the poor villagers. Another fallacy. If they cared so much they would  donate money without wanting to kill . The cost of hunting ONE lion would FEED a village for over a YEAR!!!! The only people that benefit from hunting is wealthy game farm owners!

Save our lions!

Find us 3 groups on twitter @WWNBSAH     @Slobhunters @trkjexposed

Monday, 29 December 2014

there is a young hoon called Jordan...

Jordan should take note of this:
 Impersonation of police officers 546D

 Impersonation of police officers
 (1) General offence A person who impersonates a police officer is guilty of an offence. Maximum penalty: Imprisonment for 2 years, or a fine of 100 penalty units, or both.

 (2) Aggravated offence
 A person who, with intent to deceive: (a) impersonates a police officer, and (b) purports to exercise a power or function as a police officer, is guilty of an offence. Maximum penalty: Imprisonment for 7 years. (3) An offence against subsection (1) is a summary offence. 

Monday, 22 December 2014

Another 'emotional blackmailer' hunter - Meet Kyler Knelsen

He claims to be a follower of Jesus Christ, but as far as we can see the only religion Kyler Knelson follows is the satanic path of slaughter

Just like John Shinsky and countless other hunters , Kyler likes to threaten to kill MORE animals when anyone dares to speak out against him

Kyler probably feels he can say and do as he likes, Kyler will one day learn that for every action there is a reaction and that his actions have consequences  like when Kyler will one day have to look karma in the eye and be judged for his atrocities.

So let us have a  closer look at this  poor excuse for a human.

From his personal Facebook account  (click HERE  to view more) (please note there is an error on the text on the photo below, Kyler is on the right of photo not the left)

****************************** From his instagram account (click HERE to view more )
''Whoops! I'm still hearing a lot of nasty negativity from a few haters! I warned you. Another wolf lost his life because of it. Better learn to hold your tongues ''  says Kyler Knelson

He sounds exactly like those sick twisted people that take hostages and threaten to kill unless their demands are met eh? Not much different to ISIL either, same sick mentality.



As you can see above  his wife Vanessa is obviously just as vile minded.

We are sure Kyler would LOVE to hear from you so that he can have a few more tantrums and make more of the kind of threats he already utters that show what a sick in the head psycho he is. 

Want to contact him? You can do so in a few ways such as by clicking HERE  and also HERE  both of which gives contact information. You will also find his Wingmaster page on Facebook HERE

So Kyler is not very different to JOHN SHINSKY is he? Remember him? Same blackmail technique. If you missed  our blog post on Shinsky  click  HERE to view the post 


Keep standing up and speaking out!!

Thursday, 18 December 2014

sick and twisted Brandi and co...

(This post   now contain an UPDATE which you will find at the bottom of the post - Thanks )

What kind of people care for some animals whilst blasting away at others and happily displaying corpses in their home and posing for sick brag photos of their killing? These people do. Meet Brandi and Austin (scroll to the right to see all in full ) Also see more by clicking---> HERE <----- *****************************************
********************************************************************************************************** =
**********************************************  Could this be the fate of the poor deer (pictured above one day at the hands of Brandi & Austin )
************************************************************************ Passing her sick killing ways down.....
Stand up and speak out with us. Join us on Facebook by clicking ---> HERE <---- 

Find us on Twitter via @WWNBSAH


Ohhh seems they did not like the truth coming out about them.  
Old Yesterday, 04:38 PM  #1
Four Point

texaswildlifeta's Avatar

Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: haslet
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Default Look at this crap!

Someone posted this on me and my family. I don't understand how they get acesess to our pages when they are private
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Old Yesterday, 04:41 PM
 Have a peek here and read through the rest of all the comments  pertaining to this blog post on this Texas bowhunt forum:  (click the link HERE )

Some examples:  

Ten Point

91cavgt's Avatar

Join Date: Jun 2013
Location: Waco

I just posted this on their facebook page;

Why do you push your opinions on others? I have respect for everyone and I love everyone until they push their thoughts and beliefs on me, and if I do not comply then I am the bad guy? This seems pretty intolerant.
91cavgt is online now 
well hello David  ;-)

Why do you push your opinions on others? I have respect for everyone and I love everyone until they push their thoughts and beliefs on me, and if I do not comply then I am the bad guy? This seems pretty intolerant.
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  • We Will Not Be Silenced about HuntersYou would be correct IF this was about what colour pants you choose to wear, how you style your hair , who you date etc, but THIS is about people stealing, yes stealing, lives. You may have a dumb permit but you do not have the permission of the anima...See More
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    • David Trowbridge Do you speak up for the poor defenseless plants that you so viciously kill? Are they not living, breathing organisms? You can not argue that plants are not alive. The human body is not designed to live as a herbivore. Why do you think so many vegetarian meals are modeled after meat? If we as a species were only herbivores then we would not have ended up so strong as a species are we are today.
      Like · 2 hrs
    • We Will Not Be Silenced about HuntersAre you always so immature , foolish and desperate enough to grasp at any straw no matter HOW ridiculous you make yourself sound David Trowbridge ? Firstly , yes plants ARE alive, but time to wakey wakey smell the coffee David, plants do not have a central nervous systemn . What - you mean you genuinely did not know that?? All other animals have the fight or flight instinct, from the smallest insect to the largest animal . Oh but wait, there is more! What happens if you take a sheep/deer/cow/whatever animal 's head and pop it into a bit of water. That's right... it ROTS . Yet what happens if you take a carrot top, sweet potato, onion etc and put it into a bit of water? Wow guess what David, you can grow a whole new plant. As for what the human body is designed for, go examine one inside and out and you will see the human body was NOT designed for consuming meat. No doubt you will feel a need to scoff and scorn without actually looking at the EVIDENCE and FACTS . So sorry you do not have the courage and guts to actually read, look and question for yourself. Just because people like the taste of something does not mean they are designed to eat it. Read the chart (shown here ) if you have the courage to .that is. After all it takes courage to step back and look at things differently. PS. For further indepth science see The Comparative Anatomy of Eating 

      by Milton R. Mills, M.D. - - finally - you asked '' Why do you think so many vegetarian meals are modeled after meat? '' well DOH, to make it more 'familiar' to corpse-munchers of course. Most of us did not start life as a vegan or vegetarian, we saw the 'light' and truth and changed. Again, it is not the taste of dead flesh that is the problem, it is what it IS that is the problem. Meat eaters are far more liable to develop cancer, diabetes, cholesterol and heart problems than vegetarians or vegans are.

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    • We Will Not Be Silenced about Hunters tell the complainer she can pop over and see us here in South Africa , I believe she wanted our location, we have a huge amount of land in Bela-Bela smile emoticon Lots of great wildlife and sorry no hunting allowed on our place David Trowbridge

(No we do not condone abortion ..nor did we hack her Facebook ... rolls eyes here  ...)
Ten Point

txstringbender's Avatar

Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: San Angelo
Hunt In: Concho Co.

I have never understood liberals. They will crucify you for hunting and killing an animal that you intend to eat, but will run out and abort a human baby just because it doesn't fit into their busy and promiscuous lifestyles. They care more about a "baby" deer than a human, but it's all done in the name of humanity.

These people are actually sick and detached reality. Sorry they hacked your site and stole your pics. It's an invasion of your privacy, but it's out there on the Internet. I got rid of Facebook years ago and have not missed it one bit.

We especially laughed at this one by 'Man' (do they think we are stupid?? But  to answer it: We are located in South Africa, on a huge amount of land, we have lots of fabulous wildlife and guess what...we DON'T allow hunting!   )  

Ten Point

Man's Avatar

Join Date: Feb 2012
Location: Hondo,Tx
Hunt In: Hondo,Tx / Oklahoma

Before you expose yourself to them as the family is said picture...see if you can send them a message showing interest in their cause and figure out who exactly who it is posting and a location. as in get some names.