What kind of people care for some animals whilst blasting away at others and happily displaying corpses in their home and posing for sick brag photos of their killing? These people do. Meet Brandi and Austin (scroll to the right to see all in full ) Also see more by clicking---> HERE <----- *****************************************
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********************************************** Could this be the fate of the poor deer (pictured above one day at the hands of Brandi & Austin )
************************************************************************ Passing her sick killing ways down.....
Stand up and speak out with us. Join us on Facebook by clicking ---> HERE <----
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Ohhh seems they did not like the truth coming out about them.
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Four Point
Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: haslet
Hunt In: every where!!
Someone posted this on me and my family. I don't understand how they get acesess to our pages when they are private
http://wwnbsah.blogspot.com/2014/12/...nd-co.html?m=1 |
Some examples:
Ten Point
Join Date: Jun 2013
Location: Waco
I just posted this on their facebook page;
| |
(No we do not condone abortion ..nor did we hack her Facebook ... rolls eyes here ...)
Ten Point
Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: San Angelo
Hunt In: Concho Co.
I have never understood liberals. They will crucify you for hunting and killing an animal that you intend to eat, but will run out and abort a human baby just because it doesn't fit into their busy and promiscuous lifestyles. They care more about a "baby" deer than a human, but it's all done in the name of humanity.
These people are actually sick and detached reality. Sorry they hacked your site and stole your pics. It's an invasion of your privacy, but it's out there on the Internet. I got rid of Facebook years ago and have not missed it one bit. |
We especially laughed at this one by 'Man' (do they think we are stupid?? But to answer it: We are located in South Africa, on a huge amount of land, we have lots of fabulous wildlife and guess what...we DON'T allow hunting! )
Ten Point
Join Date: Feb 2012
Location: Hondo,Tx
Hunt In: Hondo,Tx / Oklahoma
Before you expose yourself to them as the family is said picture...see if you can send them a message showing interest in their cause and figure out who exactly who it is posting and a location. as in get some names.
You are a loser.
ReplyDeletejip..hunters are losers for sure, they lost their souls long ago....
Deletejip..hunters are losers for sure, they lost their souls long ago....
DeleteActually, God stated in the bible that He put animals on this planet for our consumption, so how is it that hunters have lost their souls if we are doing what the Lord granted us?
DeleteCome on down to Texas we would love to meet you, show you around and maybe teach you a thing or two about what real conservation is all about. Get out from behind your keyboard and experience nature. The good the bad and the ugly. Its time to grow up and leave your moms basement. Put your big boy pants on and see how the real world works Or you can continue to bash hunters that you don't even know and a life style that you no clue what it is about. We would love to have you as our guest. Treat you to some great BBQ good beer and maybe take you on a wild boar hunt that way you can see first hand what kind of damage they do to the crops you and your mates like to consume. You know like rice wheat corn peas and even okra. Or you can just stay behind your keyboard in your knickers and try to make yourself feel good by insulting others. Have a great day and my offer will always be open. Oh by the way how is that whole Muslim thing working out for you over there?
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteAnswer to one comment : God did not state anything in the bible. MAN wrote the bible.
DeleteRe 2nd Comment: To the person inviting us to to Texas, thanks for your cordial invite, I have been to Texas a number of times. I will decline the invite as rather busy managing my land here in South Africa
Then worry about your poaching problem there before you attack us.
DeleteOf course we are very concerned about the poaching problem. (a reason why I do not list all my animals to be on the safe side ) However - perhaps you do not understand that hunting is also causing a poaching problem on so many levels. It is encouraging it. Also there are 'legal hunting operatives' who are actually INVOLVED in poaching directly and indirectly. I would be happy to expand on this perhaps tomorrow if you will like .
DeleteYou know nothing about real conservation. You know the #1 leading cause of species endangerment? Animals agriculture. As a conservationist shouldn't you be doing something about that? I can answer this for you, you don't, because you are not a conservationist, you just hunt animals because "it feels good".
DeleteFuck y'all! Bunch of tree hugging pussy bitches!
ReplyDeleteOoooh looks like a hunter has his corpsehugging panties in a bunch :-) Wait til you see the other post we have coming up soon for your viewing pleasure ;-) y'all come back soon, y'hear? :-D
DeleteI hope this guy who calling us pussies aint a Christian. "Therefore, if food makes my brother stumble, I will never eat meat, lest I make my brother stumble" Corinthians 8:13
Deleteuh -huh! However, and not wishing to offend, but mankind wrote the bible .Interesting how the bible seems to be for and against it ,
DeleteHAHAHAHAHAHA well, done WWNBSAH !!! Bet they are crapping themselves and wondering how you knew about the message board they were having their little meeting on. One guy had some wisdom there on that forum he is right, you cannot sue for an opinion,, the rest of the bloodlusters there well... LOL . Defamation?? Too funny. It was all truth after all. None of the photos were fake, Look how they immediately start foaming at the mouth and accusing people of being pro-abortion because they speak out against hunting. What silly foolish folk they are!! .
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone know what would happen to wild animals if there wasnt any hunting?
ReplyDeleteYes I do know, because on my land here in South Africa (upon which I do not allow hunting ) I have a lot of wildlife, including but not limted to : zebra, kudu, giraffe, nyala, impala, waterbuck, gemsbok (oryx) honey badgers, warthog, bush pig, vervet monkeys, jackyl, caracal, and more...much much more!!! . We have a sable that comes in from time to time but does not belong to us, belongs to a neighbour. Guess what, no 'over populaqtion! ' Nature regulates and manages herself. When food is scarcer the animals are not producing as much young.
DeleteCan we work out a hunt. Be glad to harvest a few
DeleteYes, the ecosystem.
DeleteThe only hunting & shooting I allow on my land is with a camera. :-p
DeleteIf it weren't for hunters, deer and other animals would become over populated. Once that happens they start eating all of your precious veggies and you stupid peckers would starve to death because the animals ate all of your food. To prevent over population of these animals I guess you tree hugging morons can just go stand out in the woods and pass out condoms to animals and see how well that works for you. You should be ashamed of yourselves for this website and for putting this family through this. Grow up and mind your own damn business because in the end all of our graves will be 6' deep, hunter or vegan. Live YOUR life and quit judging others, God is the only one that can judge, leave it to him.
ReplyDeleteA goal of a hunter is to kill a mature male deer (because it looks pretty on the wall). A single buck can breed up to 10-20 does, even if you kill 2 or 3 bucks from the same breeding territory, the remaining bucks will pick up the slack. You are then left with the same amount of females and fawns that have less competition and more food to eat, which promotes higher reproductive rates.
Delete------> Hunting is unethical on a number of grounds. From a pure animal rights standpoint, killing any animal for food is morally objectionable, whether that animal is a deer, a cow or a chicken.
Delete------> Hunting is unethical because the killing is recreational.
------> human/deer conflicts are not the fault of the animals, but are the fault of humans who take habitat from the animals.
------> modern technology has erased any chance of fairness in hunting.
------> Certain practices are also considered especially objectionable, such as canned hunting , trophy hunting, baiting, and hunting of stocked animals.
------> 'overpopulated' The term is used by hunters / state wildlife management agencies in an effort to convince the public that deer must be hunted, even though they are not biologically overpopulated and even though the deer population is kept artificially inflated
--------> Nature manages and regulates herself , numbers reduce naturally be it through less food, disease, lower fertility. The strong will survive. This is true of all animals, and this is how evolution works. Human interference causes problems
----> Hunting does not reduce the deer population . Removing some individuals from the population results in more food per deer, which leads to the births of more deer including twins and triplets
Delete-----> Deer self-regulate and give birth to fewer fawns when food is scarce. If the deer population needs to be reduced/controlled, non lethal methods can be used..
-----> Hunting is ineffective because state wildlife management agencies intentionally keep the deer population high, for hunters.
What a waste of time!
ReplyDeleteyou poor poor souls... love these silly tree hugging hipsters that act like they know what they are talking about, when in reality they just sit around sipping organic starbucks, researching the latest and greatest environmental shoe laces, finger f*cking their smart phones.
ReplyDeleteWhile you guys are looking for the next american thing to criticize this weekend, I'll be out on MY ranch, shootin pigs in the face.
Will be sure to post pics when I get back!
well you 'poor poor soul' you will not be posting them here , I have never been in a starbucks , have you? As for being a 'treehugger' well hey better a treehugger than a dead corpse hugger you know!! What would happen in this world without people caring about trees/environment,,, oh wait, you won't be able to breathe . That simple fact never seems to occur to the blood lusters , You do make me laugh! Instead of sneering and scorning why not actually find out what people actually DO know. I have spent my life with wildlife, I just don't get my kicks from killing them like you obviously do ;-)
DeleteWay to show how ignorant you are (while finger fking your laptop or mobile device to comment on here), by clumping people into a category. Must be difficult to understand people that weren't raised by your traditions and judgements. Also you prove that you lack morality. Shame that people like you make Americans look like idiots.
Deleteis your comment above in reply to 'anti-hipster' ?
DeleteYes, that was towards anti-hipster
DeleteWhy does a liberal always want to change everyone to their way of "thinking"? If it's not illegal, then it's none of your damn business. In America, as I'm sure it's the same in most countries, we have a tradition and right to hunt. If you don't like it, don't do it. I'll be sure to kill and eat an extra animal for you at my next opportunity.
ReplyDeleteDo please explain what a 'liberal' is, If you want to accuse us of something explain the definition. Tradition Schmadition :-) Yes go ahead and eat an extra animal, I am sure all the nasty diseases that meat eating leads to cannot wait to meet you :-) Good day!
DeleteNot measures of morality = "I enjoy it", "It makes me feel good", "its legal", "its tradition", etc..
DeleteI sent the WWNBSAH page admins a private message asking how they knew it was on the TBH forum. At first I got a few sarcastic replies back by 2 of them but eventually one called Admin M answered me and said they had discovered it by accident on Google and had gone in to take a few screen captures. He or she then went on to say that their IP is blocking them from seeing the forum now . Awww poor butthurt bunny huggers cannot spy on the TBH forum anymore. Anyhoo , guess they are allowed their opinion and I grudgingly reckon this Admin M is quite knowledgable about African wildlife from some of the stuff he or she wrote but if you don't like what we do it's just kinda tough WWNBSAH. I agree it can get ugly on both sides and I would be pretty steaming mad if someone posted my pics too , I hunt . Suck it up buttercups!!
ReplyDeleteOh that was you was it ;-)
DeleteYup., ! gonna ban me from havin an opinion here and on ya page?
DeleteYou all are more than welcome to say whatever you like about me. You are all entitled to your own opinions, and I can respect that. I do not respect the fact that you have brought my daughter into your tirade or posted pictures, without permission, on your blog. Please remove all of the photos you have posted above of me and my family immediately. You are not the owner of these photos, nor do you have permission to use them on this blog or any other websites you are affiliated with.
ReplyDeleteHello You are the 4th person today to claim to be Brandi . Please provide photo ID if claiming to be Brandi Tunnell After all anyone can claim to be,. Whoever you are .what you and everyone else objecting to this post needs to understand is the photos were posted under a public setting. They were not stolen or hacked. If Brandi did not want photos of her child circulating the internet why did she post them with a 'public' setting thus releasing them into the public domain. ? Also please note that this blog is the only place we have posted the photos.. It is not on our Facebook or Twitter posts. If Brandi herself wishes to contact us she may do so and I will be happy to speak with her . Thank you .
DeleteThen why did you post those photos on social media streams that disperse your information throughout the internet?
DeleteAlrighty then, would you like a picture of my driver license as proof I am who I say I am? How else should I contact you? You don't exactly provide a private way for someone to make contact with you on this blog. And I'm not interested in a phone conversation because I can already tell you that won't go over well.
DeleteRegardless of how these photos were posted on my Facebook page, they are still owned by me, and protected under copyright laws. You did not have my permission to use these photos, therefore they were in fact stolen. If you'd read up on Facebook's Terms of Service you'd see that you are infringing copyright. That being said, my photos are meant for friends and family, not crazy people randomly trolling various Facebook pages LOOKING for someone to pick on. Nice job picking on an 8 year old by the way. I'm sure your Mother would be so proud.
Brandii may contact me via our Facebook page however it is getting rather late here in Africa, I think you are not grasping copyright law correctly. Otherwise most of the mainstream media would currently be bogged down in copyright suits for posting photos they source via Facebook
DeleteAs for 'trolling varioous Facebook pages looking for someone to pick on'' No. We saw Brandi's comments and a photo she posted with that comment on some other trophy hunters 'public figure' page. Had Brandi not done that we would never have known about Brandi in the first place,
We did not repost or share any of Brandi's photos on Facebook. We put them here on our blog.
I am not interested in having a phone conversation with Brandi either, That is not said out of rudeness, I've spoken with at least 20 hunters on the phone in the last few weeks.
Hardly a tirade, we posed some questions to Brandi within the blog post, she has yet to answer those questions.
Oh the Where's your soul and Where's the deer's real mother? Those weren't rhetorical questions...? If you must know, my soul is located in the same place as everyone else's and as for the deer's mother...She made some amazing burgers! I'll be contacting you via Facebook shortly.
DeleteBrandi, you can control the way you use your photos and posts in your privacy settings. If you post it publicly " When you publish content or information using the Public setting, it means that you are allowing everyone, including people off of Facebook, to access and use that information, and to associate it with you (i.e., your name and profile picture)" thus, this is not copyright infringement. I suggest to maybe watermarking your photos? or change your privacy settings.
DeleteRegarding your child, I think you are missing the point here. I dont think that WWNBSAH is poking fun at your child. I think the intention is to show how sad it is that some hunters (such as yourself) teach children to have no empathy for other living things at a young age. Its about what your behavior, your choices, you display it for everyone to see, not your child.
she did miss the point (naturally ) we said ''Passing her sick killing ways down..... '' alongside the photo of Brandi's daughter. Did we say ugly or nasty things about the child. No we did not
DeleteTo the person claiming to be 'Brandi' We were only kidding about photo ID , noone should give anyone a copy of their photo ID, as there are scammers and fraudsters around. Meant to say that in previous reply and got sidetracked. Please heed that advice. You can however send us a message or comment on our Facebook page,
We still want to know why Brandi poses happily next to dead deer then brags about 'lap deer' what is your longterm plan for that deer? Is she planning on a kill when that little one is big enough to be a 'trophy' ?
exactly Anna ' I think the intention is to show how sad it is that some hunters (such as yourself) teach children to have no empathy for other living things at a young age. ' that is exactly it. Hence 'passing the sickness down'
DeleteI will just leave this here.
Yes we have seen that article many times. Noone from the vegetarian or vegan community wants any blood on their hands, However, there is a big difference between accidental and deliberate. Perhaps you have not worked that out. Also, the data in that article and it's research is actually rather flawed. I will come back to you at some point tomorrow on that as I do not have the files on this particular computer , Thank you
DeleteI know the difference between accidental and deliberate. I am not sure it really matters though. Are you suggesting you would rather accidently kill two sentient beings than deliberately killing one?
DeleteThat is not what I am saying. Like I said, I will come back to you on this as I woulld like to explain to you how an why much of the data /research that article goes into is actually flawed and not accurate, The information I would like to share with you is on a different computer. Thank you :-)
DeleteNot at office today as we are busy with a few issues but you should read this
I am so sick of these "I am a conservationist because I hunt" BS comments. Do you so called "conservationists" even know that the #1 leading cause of species endangerment is? Its animal agriculture. Constantly creating land for farming animals to feed the whole entire world, you think we have a never ending supply of land? Do you know how many habitats are destroyed to create farms? As "conservationists", why do you guys never discuss this?
ReplyDeleteAll you hunters as whole support A BUSINESS. Your wildlife organizations collect your money off of tags and licenses, and so do the wealthy land owners in Africa who run these operations. WAY TO SUPPORT BUSINESS MEN. idiots.
Anna are you always this stupid or is today a special occasion?
DeleteGo pet your dog ya hypocrite.
Deletewonder how many of you libtards are closet meat eaters. Betting its more than a few. Bet yalls skin gets pretty pale sitting in your moms basements, on her wifi shit talking ppl enjoying the outdoors. Don't see hunters stalking your fb pages, copying and pasting pics of your children. No we have better things to do. We will leave that to you. Enjoy your day