Friday, 28 November 2014

A1 Savannahs - a warning to those who love cats

Look at this picture, on the left we see the ugly truth about this man: a cat killer - on the right we see what he tries to portray to everyone else: a cat lover

a caracal is a rooikat (red cat)

  ''A1 Savannahs  goal in breeding the Savannah is to raise healthy Savannah kittens, that in appearance are as close as possible to the African Serval, with sweet and domesticated personalities. They do the highly demanded Savannah to Savannah mating. They like to boast that ' A1 Savannahs was the first Cattery worldwide to breed down to the later generations and produce fertile F5 males.'

Yet for some strange reason they do not like to boast about THIS photo which clearly shows a photo from  Martin M Engster's own Facebook page from 2010 . Do note the dates shown on the photo. Also note what he says : Very very rare trophy . Less than 200 per year in Namibia.  a Red African Caracal ; 

So we took this photo and pasted it to the Facebook page of A1 Savannahs, simply asking  them to explain it,  they immediately deleted the comment and blocked us. 

Some of our page members from WWNBSAH also went over to question. As did other pages.

Their comments were instantly deleted and blocked also. We did not screen capture the first 12 comments in time. However we did get these ones;

One has to ask the question, IF these people feel they did nothing wrong, then WHY are they trying to cover it up?

Well we think it is fairly obvious why. They know that clients and potential clients LOVE cats, and would not want anything to do with people who get a kick out of killing them.

We have a message to A1 Savannahs.  ''The truth will always out''

We have given A1 Savannahs ample opportunity to come tell their side of the story both via email  and via Facebook . Unlike them we would not have instantly deleted  their comment and blocked them

We also note they lie about when the caracal was killed. The photo says 'Africa 10 ' the date of posting is July 2010. That is not six years ago. It does not matter WHEN it was. The fact of the matter is  he is a cat killer

We suggest you share this blog post on your Facebook and Twitter, they are trying to cover up, we will not let that happen. 

We also suggest you contact this company and voice your thoughts and displeasure.  (be polite, do not lower your own standards to theirs) They are on Facebook and Twitter,

Sales Phone: 580 716 9898
Cattery Phone: 580 718 0011
A1 Savannahs - Ponca City, Oklahoma

They can block comments on their page but they cannot block them here :-)

Finally, with SO many cats in this world needing a good home ADOPT DON'T BUY!!!!!

Sunday, 23 November 2014

John Shinsky Vs Elena Valdameri - BOTH in the wrong

We want to write this 

It is not a retraction

It is not an apology

Our post on John Shinsky still stands - to teach him to think before he types

To those hunters defending his vile threats we say this :  you claim he was being sarcastic. It does not look like sarcasm. Nor is there any tone of voice in  text.

Read through these and see a common thread: John Shinsky keeps threatening to kill more animals just out of spite

By the same token Elena Valdameri was ALSO in the wrong.  She was totally wrong to even suggest anyone should be killed. We have always taken the stance  2 wrongs do not make a right. It is obvious from the way that John Shinsky had a merry old time shooting his mouth off that he never learnt that expression. So to play fair we are publishing what was sent to us. (thank you WH )

 However at the time of originally posting the  now infamous JS meme  we were not aware that it was Elena who had made the comment on Eva Shockey's (vile) Facebook page  about kids. Elena you should be ashamed of yourself, as much as John should be 

The majority of those of us against hunting are NOT violent people nor do they  (or we ) condone violence . How can we be against violence to  other species and accept it for our own.  We cannot. We at  WWNBSAH has never condoned violent wishes, threats  whatever. (however please note: saying you hope someone gets killed is NOT a threat, it should not be said but it is NOT a threat of violence. Saying ''I will kill you!!''  well THAT is a threat of violence/death)

NOTE: We actually do have John's phone number and address. If we were as bad as he likes to tell people we are, we would have done what some other blogs and Facook pages do and publish . We have seen blogs that love putting up hunters photos with the address, telephone , email info etc of the hunter .We have not done that  and nor will we . We also frown against people who do publish that sort of thing be it on FAcebook or blogs.

However it seems John's friends are not adverse to sending 'death threats' via comments to our blog . One choice one today said '' you f*****ng bastard I will track you down and slit your stupid dumbass treehugging throat'' amongst other nice expressions and charming words  

Nice eh? We did not publish  that one for obvious reasons :-)

 Please note the following screen shots of text comments are from Eva Shockeys's (vile) Facebook page and not our own. All this happened on her Facebook page not that of WWNBSAH's page.

As you can clearly see  John is telling people opposed to hunting that if they do not stop objecting that he and they (other hunters) will kill MORE animals . It is a common threat from them. We often get these vile killers commenting on page ''I shall kill MORE animals in YOUR honour'' 

John asks  when did a hunter become a serial killer ... John should read HERE about Robert Hansen, an avid hunter who then switched his hunting lusts to to  that of hunting and killing humans.   Robert is not the only hunter to have done so, John should do his research , because as  he will now realise , he now 'comes off as stupid''

Thursday, 20 November 2014

John Shinsky - doing a great job at BAD PR for 'hunters'

Thanks to AR for sending us the little montage 

Thanks to  DL for sending us this JS photo  the poor buck is already dead but see how JS must brandish his weapon to feel like the hard man (perhaps that is a penile extension in his hand? )


Screen captures from Eva Shockey's hunting Facebook page:

We are editing this to add this other screen capture that came to light since the posting of this article that shows Elena Valdameri letting the anti-hunting side down as much as John let his side down with his crazy comments. Elena  you do not do OUR (animal rights) cause any favours with stupid ridiculous comments like that.  

We feel however though that despite her stupid comment John Shinsky should learn to keep a hold on his temper instead of responding in kind with threats to kill out of sheer spite.  We often have hunters coming to our own facebook page  making threats and saying vile stuff like ''hope you miscarry'' ''go f**** and die you tree huggers' amongst  many more. We (the Admin team) would never reduce our own level to theirs)

When John and his little entourage  visited our page  .....

Note the cellphone text is satire  

Thursday, 13 November 2014

Fat, double chinned , unhealthy - these hunters really need some SALAD!!

People cannot help the colour of their eyes, the shape of their nose, or how they look in general, but they can darn well help themselves not to look like a poor stranded whale.

Whilst looking through pictures of these ghastly hog killers I could not help but wonder   how  they could kill their 'lookalikes'  (except that is mean to the four-legged ones as we LIKE  them, we loathe the sick in the head animal assassins we see here )

These people are on a path to cancer, diabetes , stroke and cardiac problems, not to mention ageing prematurely.

Yet they sneer and scorn at vegans and vegetarians. We do not just eat salad by the way, we eat a fantastic varied and interesting diet. These 'people' however need lashings of salad , salad and NOTHING but salad though ;-)     )

Hmmmm I think we will end up  having the last laugh when it comes to health.... don't you?

^ this is Brian, he runs a page on Facebook called 'We Will Not Be Silenced About Vegans' too funny! Think his diet and lifestyle will silence him without us needing to..don't you?

LOL at claim of 'hunter discrimination ''You and your posts are violating my rights as a hunter.''

We DO get some very strange PM's sent to us on our Facebook, and whilst we do not publish all of them this one made us laugh so hard we feel we must share it with you

Poor Kevin Davis, he really is a bit muddled... read on!!  Oh and this was the picture  he was objecting to

12 November 23:51
Hey We Will Not Be Silenced about Hunters, there's something about this photo that bothers me. Would you please take it down?this is bs and you know it.. Stop painting all hunters with one brush. It is our constitutional right. Until then.. Go after tobacco compacting who slowly kill children and people slowly..
12 November 23:59
it is not BS and YOU know it. Do you go to a CANCER page and tell THEM that they should be going after candy companies because of diabetes , ? No? Then kindly do not come here telling us what we can and cannot post, just because YOU do not like it.

If we paint all hunters with the same brush, guess what, they all wear the same KILLER title and get brushed with that

As for your 'constitutional rights' they were written at a different time, try evolving

If you do not like our posts that is your right not to like them. However, this is an ANTI HUNT page and thus you took a wrong turn someplace,

Thank you
13 November 00:07
That article and headline is.. Using dogs to hint is not illegal, and To you, maybe unethical. But it is the law. Anti hunter discrimination is also a law. So I will report you, this site until it is removed. Thanks, hunter
13 November 00:19
Do please show us the statute you claim 'hunter discrimination is a law '' - you do know about statutes don't you?
13 November 01:43
You and your posts are violating my rights as a hunter.. (part b)
Act 451 of 1994

324.40112 Obstructing or interfering in lawful taking of animals; prohibited conduct; petition; injunction; violation as misdemeanor; penalties; section inapplicable to peace officer.
Sec. 40112.

(1) A person shall not obstruct or interfere in the lawful taking of animals by another person.

(2) A person violates this section when the person intentionally or knowingly does any of the following:

(a) Drives or disturbs animals for the purpose of disrupting a lawful taking.

(b) Blocks, impedes, or harasses another person who is engaged in the process of lawfully taking an animal.

(c) Uses a natural or artificial visual, aural, olfactory, gustatory, or physical stimulus to affect animal behavior in order to hinder or prevent the lawful taking of an animal.

(d) Erects barriers to deny ingress or egress to areas where the lawful taking of animals may occur. This subdivision does not apply to a person who erects barriers to prevent trespassing on his or her property.

(e) Interjects himself or herself into the line of fire of a person lawfully taking wildlife.

(f) Affects the condition or placement of personal or public property intended for use in the lawful taking of an animal in order to impair the usefulness of the property or prevent the use of the property.

(g) Enters or remains upon private lands without the permission of the owner or the owner's agent, for the purpose of violating this section.

(h) Engages in any other act or behavior for the purpose of violating this section.

(3) Upon petition of an aggrieved person or a person who reasonably may be aggrieved by a violation of this section, a court of competent jurisdiction, upon a showing that a person was engaged in and threatens to continue to engage in illegal conduct under this section, may enjoin that conduct.

(4) A person who violates this section is guilty of a misdemeanor, punishable by imprisonment for not more than 93 days, or a fine of not less than $500.00 or more than $1,000.00, or both, and the costs of prosecution. A person who violates this section a second or subsequent time is guilty of a misdemeanor, punishable by imprisonment for not more than 1 year, or a fine of not less than $1,000.00 or more than $2,500.00, or both, and the costs of prosecution. In addition to the penalties provided for in this subsection, any permit or license issued by the department authorizing the person to take animals shall be revoked. A prosecution under this section does not preclude prosecution or other action under any other criminal or civil statute.

(5) This section does not apply to a peace officer while the peace officer performs his or her lawful duties.

Now take you rhetoric and piss off
13 November 02:31

LMAO LOL LMAO LOL !!!! What a sense of humour you have!


I think you will find that does not apply to the INTERNET

Still, if you want to hop on a plane to Africa to serve us with papers, please DO , but do note,, we keep some pretty dangerous animals on our place
  Have a peek
13 November 02:33
13 November 02:34
Our animals hate hunters too, and soon show them how much
13 November 04:24
13 November 04:24
This is what the wolves did to the dogs
13 November 04:25
13 November 04:56
lets get something straight Kevin Davis, firstly, sending us photos to try and shock or upset us, will NOT shock or upset us, we have seen so much gore from photos and in real life that we are immune to it,, if anything all it does is drive us on to keep fighting against sub species like you. Regarding the dog, horrible yes, BUT, that dog had been sent to savage and attack another animal. who acted in SELF DEFENCE. so again EPIC FAIL. We pity you , because you have lost something in yourself, and you cannot even see it. While you take joy in death, we take MORE JOY than you will ever feel or experience in your pathetic little loser life, tut be aware, you will have to answer for it one day, someplace, somewhere, and karma will be waiting for you. On that note this is the last time that I will be answering you. Should any other person on the admin team for the page choose to reply further to you that is their choice. Personally I do not feel you are worth bothering with, you are just a piece of fecal matter to be stepped OVER not stepped in - Good bye

One last thing WWNBSAH readers, Kevin is in a band called the Longneck Stranglers, do be sure never to listen to them  or buy their album, or see any of their shows. Animal killers get boycotted . See here