Thursday, 20 November 2014

John Shinsky - doing a great job at BAD PR for 'hunters'

Thanks to AR for sending us the little montage 

Thanks to  DL for sending us this JS photo  the poor buck is already dead but see how JS must brandish his weapon to feel like the hard man (perhaps that is a penile extension in his hand? )


Screen captures from Eva Shockey's hunting Facebook page:

We are editing this to add this other screen capture that came to light since the posting of this article that shows Elena Valdameri letting the anti-hunting side down as much as John let his side down with his crazy comments. Elena  you do not do OUR (animal rights) cause any favours with stupid ridiculous comments like that.  

We feel however though that despite her stupid comment John Shinsky should learn to keep a hold on his temper instead of responding in kind with threats to kill out of sheer spite.  We often have hunters coming to our own facebook page  making threats and saying vile stuff like ''hope you miscarry'' ''go f**** and die you tree huggers' amongst  many more. We (the Admin team) would never reduce our own level to theirs)

When John and his little entourage  visited our page  .....

Note the cellphone text is satire  


  1. well he looks a pleasnat person...not! Funny how the photo goes so well with the words lmao !!! love Katie

    1. whoospies I meant 'pleasant' was so busy laughing at this man who is as useful to the world as a choccy teapot left out in the summer sun lol!! Ooooh he looks soooo scary, bet he wears pink undies... actually wait, he does look like a loony... love Katie xx

  2. Hi Katie, yes, the photo and the words speak volumes, thanks for commenting !

  3. not saying the dude is a wife beater but the words he uses are kinda like that of one.!!! I had a friend who had a violent husband who when he hit her would say stuff like '' it''s you own fault, you deserve it, your mouth got you this , it's cause of your f*****ng sassy mouth bitch! ' kind of comments' I find this man's words VERY VERY VERY disturbing . GK

    1. The fact you are even implying he could be a wife beater is atrocious

    2. the person commenting did NOT imply that at all, They said '' not saying the dude is a wife beater '' so do not twist things. I also have heard similar things from those who are violent, trying to blame TH EIR actions in a similar fashion. . If John Shinsky did not want people to think badly of him then he should not have uttered those words shown ON the photo. Perhaps this will be a lesson to him on self control

    3. You know what they meant moron

  4. The fact that you are even implying he could be a wife beater is atrocious.

  5. Well done We Will Not Be Silenced About Hunters!!! :-) You make my day!!! - Emma

  6. You people really need to learn the art of sarcasm.

  7. Dipshits!!! Go choke on a dick!

  8. oh look,,some hunters having a temper tantrum ! No surprise there! Ooooooooooooh and they are being wude little itty bitty name calling sillies... no surprise there either!! Can always spot the hunters,,, :-)

  9. Heeeheee they will probably threaten to go do some more spite kills ... awwww did the pooor little hunters get found out? Awww didddddddddums , and boo hoo hoo hoo . please please please keep up the great work exposing these knuckleheads! Regards Jackie B

  10. LOL Jackie I think you are spot on with that comment. I can hear them stamping feet from here

  11. Man I wish all I had to do all day is start bullshit groups and fuck with people. If you don't like hunting then don't hunt or have a gun and shut up I'm sure there's things you douchers bags do that people don't like. We should start a group about you and exploit you on the Internet but nobody probably knows who you are because your hiding behind a group like bitch. This guy could be a great guy with a family you don't know and your doing this looks a little hypocritical to me. GO FUCK YOURSELVES NERDS!!!!!

    1. Oh look, another JS groupie (or JS ) in a tantrum! They do a great job of making themselves kook bad, yet TOO gutless to sign even initials or name. Oh well. Maybe USA does not rreally have earthquakes, perhaps it is hunters in a tantrum making the ground shake!

    2. How about you worry about what's going on in your own 3rd world, shit for homes country, and let the adults have an adult conversation. You want to talk about gutless? You are hiding behind all of this like a 3 year old hides from mommy after making a mess.

      I seriously hope that he sues the living shit out of you for stealing his intellectual property and trying to ruin his name

    3. I'll be waiting here in Africa . want the address?

    4. Hey WeWillNotBe

      Don't worry about these angry little guys n gals, they are just pissed you exposed him for the head case nut job he is. Any decent person would have admitted they should not have said it , he obviously ain't decent


  12. Good job exposing the man who is an avid and very public hunter!! You got the bad guy! You put up a few pictures of him with some lame quotes! Now what do you do about it? Tell everyone he hunts? Or is there more I'm missing?

    1. tell everyone what a petty nasty sick SOB he is methinks!!

      I am Sean, what is your name, or are you too cowardly....


  13. John is amazing person !!! Great family man and father to his kids you would be lucky to know this man !!! He would help a friend in need and give his shirt off his back for you !

    1. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH I can see how amazing this man is, an amazing wannavbe terroist preying oi animalsr

      I'll sign my name even if you are too much of a puss too


  14. to the people making angry comments in support of this fellow I ask this

    1- Are you claiming the people at WWNBSAH made up the quote?

    2. Does threatening to kill more animals just because someone made some remark seem like a rational normal act?

    3. I was on the page last night and I saw WWNBSAH offer on at least 4 or 5 occassions to remove the photo from their FaceBook page if John Shinsky would admit he should not have spoken that way. I saw him and his wife refuse to. So would it have been hard to just admit what you did was wrong? Could have saved yourself all this

    4. Do you think John portrayed himself well with what he said?

    I work as a Psychiatric nurse, and this is not rational behaviour. I would think he either needs therapy and lessons in anger management



    1. Why did John have to take back his clearly sarcastic comment but Elena, a freaking whack job, can wish death upon child or wish harm to John? Maybe if she was forced to say that her comments were in appropriate then this would have unfolded differently. And anyone that doesn't realize sarcasm nowadays has to seriously wake up. And you can honestly think he went out back and killed that animal out of spite.

  15. Replies
    1. Your weak minded and can't handle the truth

  16. Man the dude's pic matches his ugly words !! -
    I notice none of his buddies sign name but they accuse you of being a coward .


    1. Maybe they don't sign their names so this whack job group can't go to their pages and steal photos from them. Or find their address

  17. You people are weak minded fools . you claim you will not be silenced by hunters ,but guess what we came and shut you down last night , all you could do is delete our comments and ban us from your facebook page . you all are misled and ignorant . you keep posting pics of hunters thinking that it's gonna destroy our way of life but in reality all your doing is making US famous . you live in a country that can't even defend them sleeves against the Ebola virus, yet you concern your self with matters that have no bearing on your life . stop worrying about what we do in the United states , try fixing things in south Africa first , because of now you people are doing a horrible job of it

  18. I hunt sometimes. I don't feel a need to defend myself for that but I want to state that anyone making the remark Shinsky made is a Jerk with a capital J. Thanks for making us all look bad Jon , way to go man way to go. No wonder people hate us. I agree with the author that the womans comment was stupid yeah sickeningly stupid, but do you punch women who disagree with you Jon? Do you make threats to them? IJon's comments make me ashamed, is it really surprising the animal rights people think we are cruel crazed asses - Erik

  19. Seriously? This is just school yard harrassment and bullying. He is entitled to his views, beliefs and values just as you are. Regardless of whether you agree with him or not. How about you "morally and ethically superior vegans" accept people will not always agree with your lifestyle and values. You believe killing is about bullying? Would you put your hand up and be held accoubtable this continued to the point this person, or someone related took their own life? BECAUSE IT HAPPENS!! and if you're alright with that then you and your followers need to take a look at youselves. Grow up. You're no better then immature school kiddies who bully because they think its cool

  20. I am a Judge in a large very well k own city and you are all lucky this man has not gone after you for declination of character.

  21. ROFL at the 'Judge' who can't even speak properlM what did you do, cut your law degree from the back of your cereal box ? Yeah of course you are a your fantasies!!!! :-p
