We want to write this
It is not a retraction
It is not an apology
Our post on John Shinsky still stands - to teach him to think before he types
To those hunters defending his vile threats we say this : you claim he was being sarcastic. It does not look like sarcasm. Nor is there any tone of voice in text.
Read through these and see a common thread: John Shinsky keeps threatening to kill more animals just out of spite
By the same token Elena Valdameri was ALSO in the wrong. She was totally wrong to even suggest anyone should be killed. We have always taken the stance 2 wrongs do not make a right. It is obvious from the way that John Shinsky had a merry old time shooting his mouth off that he never learnt that expression. So to play fair we are publishing what was sent to us. (thank you WH )
However at the time of originally posting the now infamous JS meme we were not aware that it was Elena who had made the comment on Eva Shockey's (vile) Facebook page about kids. Elena you should be ashamed of yourself, as much as John should be
The majority of those of us against hunting are NOT violent people nor do they (or we ) condone violence . How can we be against violence to other species and accept it for our own. We cannot. We at WWNBSAH has never condoned violent wishes, threats whatever. (however please note: saying you hope someone gets killed is NOT a threat, it should not be said but it is NOT a threat of violence. Saying ''I will kill you!!'' well THAT is a threat of violence/death)
NOTE: We actually do have John's phone number and address. If we were as bad as he likes to tell people we are, we would have done what some other blogs and Facook pages do and publish . We have seen blogs that love putting up hunters photos with the address, telephone , email info etc of the hunter .We have not done that and nor will we . We also frown against people who do publish that sort of thing be it on FAcebook or blogs.
However it seems John's friends are not adverse to sending 'death threats' via comments to our blog . One choice one today said '' you f*****ng bastard I will track you down and slit your stupid dumbass treehugging throat'' amongst other nice expressions and charming words
Nice eh? We did not publish that one for obvious reasons :-)
Please note the following screen shots of text comments are from Eva Shockeys's (vile) Facebook page and not our own. All this happened on her Facebook page not that of WWNBSAH's page.
As you can clearly see John is telling people opposed to hunting that if they do not stop objecting that he and they (other hunters) will kill MORE animals . It is a common threat from them. We often get these vile killers commenting on page ''I shall kill MORE animals in YOUR honour''

John asks when did a hunter become a serial killer ... John should read HERE about Robert Hansen, an avid hunter who then switched his hunting lusts to to that of hunting and killing humans. Robert is not the only hunter to have done so, John should do his research , because as he will now realise , he now 'comes off as stupid''
It is not a retraction
It is not an apology
Our post on John Shinsky still stands - to teach him to think before he types
To those hunters defending his vile threats we say this : you claim he was being sarcastic. It does not look like sarcasm. Nor is there any tone of voice in text.
Read through these and see a common thread: John Shinsky keeps threatening to kill more animals just out of spite
By the same token Elena Valdameri was ALSO in the wrong. She was totally wrong to even suggest anyone should be killed. We have always taken the stance 2 wrongs do not make a right. It is obvious from the way that John Shinsky had a merry old time shooting his mouth off that he never learnt that expression. So to play fair we are publishing what was sent to us. (thank you WH )
However at the time of originally posting the now infamous JS meme we were not aware that it was Elena who had made the comment on Eva Shockey's (vile) Facebook page about kids. Elena you should be ashamed of yourself, as much as John should be
The majority of those of us against hunting are NOT violent people nor do they (or we ) condone violence . How can we be against violence to other species and accept it for our own. We cannot. We at WWNBSAH has never condoned violent wishes, threats whatever. (however please note: saying you hope someone gets killed is NOT a threat, it should not be said but it is NOT a threat of violence. Saying ''I will kill you!!'' well THAT is a threat of violence/death)
NOTE: We actually do have John's phone number and address. If we were as bad as he likes to tell people we are, we would have done what some other blogs and Facook pages do and publish . We have seen blogs that love putting up hunters photos with the address, telephone , email info etc of the hunter .We have not done that and nor will we . We also frown against people who do publish that sort of thing be it on FAcebook or blogs.
However it seems John's friends are not adverse to sending 'death threats' via comments to our blog . One choice one today said '' you f*****ng bastard I will track you down and slit your stupid dumbass treehugging throat'' amongst other nice expressions and charming words
Nice eh? We did not publish that one for obvious reasons :-)
As you can clearly see John is telling people opposed to hunting that if they do not stop objecting that he and they (other hunters) will kill MORE animals . It is a common threat from them. We often get these vile killers commenting on page ''I shall kill MORE animals in YOUR honour''

John asks when did a hunter become a serial killer ... John should read HERE about Robert Hansen, an avid hunter who then switched his hunting lusts to to that of hunting and killing humans. Robert is not the only hunter to have done so, John should do his research , because as he will now realise , he now 'comes off as stupid''
wow , just wow, you are right , both in the wrong ,one does not excuse the other .
ReplyDeletethank you for commenting
DeleteAt least you are showing both sides. Guess that is fair play .
ReplyDeleteI am also someone who hunts and I will play devils advocate now, 2 months ago or so I went charging onto the We Will Not Bes facebook ready for an argument and big battle, I messaged the admin and they was actually quite polite back to my surprise we struck up a civil conversation back and forth, I like their passion exposing the trophy hunting in africa even if I do not agree with them on other things. you have to admire their determination even if I don't think they will get what they want, I cannot see hunting being banned especially not here . I do not agree with what Kendall and Eva do, or what Cory and Aaron do either, they are just about the trophy and trying to get famous even if they try to make everyone think other wise . I never take photos of my harvest, to me that is just a brag photo. My wife takes a photo of a birthday cake she bakes but that is different . I see a lot of abuse thrown at We Will Not by I've never seen them respond in kind.. guess if people approach civil they get treated civil. they may not ban hunting in America but I wish them luck!
ReplyDeleteChris P Myerson
aha... I remember you Chris... careful , you will make the hunters gang up on you lol
DeleteThank you WWNBSAH for showing both sides. It must be hard babysitting both sides, I watch your page and I'm in awe of your patience and composure when dealing with both sides. Just wish they could present themselves as having an intelligent conversation with out the profanity and threats.
ReplyDeletethank you Tootles
DeleteI personally am not a hunter, but my family is and has kept their hunting to deer, with the sole purpose of feeding our family. You will not find any deer heads or antlers mounted on our walls as trophy. I am also friends with John. I find there to be a large difference between hunting deer to feed a family, and trophy hunting. I do not support Eva or Kendall or any of the others that kill for bragging rights. I am glad that Elena has been brought in to the light because whike she did not threaten death, she wished it. And upon a child, at that. In my opinion, that makes her far worse in the head and not because I'm free do with John but because you literally have to be serious messed up in the head to wish death upon a child. Especially one that is hunting like they've been taught to do by their parents. But, maybe that's just the mother in me. And I applied wwnbsah for not publishing the contact information of any individual.
ReplyDeletewe guess you meant 'applaud' not 'applied' - thanks for your comment
DeleteYes, probably shouldn't do long posts from my phone.
ReplyDeleteMe name is Ben and I know John personally. He is a hunter and not a savage. You made him mad so hes just toying with you to get a rise. He does not senselessly shoot animals. He is a hunter who consumes everything he kills. You should look into the atrocities of factory farming if you want to make a real difference in the world of animal rights. Not this. This is senseless.