For your amusement.
It is always really funny when trolls come to have their foaming at the mouth tantrums on our Facebook page ( ) and Justin Thompson did not disappoint with his rabid rant.
He must have read the Troll Tips Times as first he private messaged the page to send in some photos and a line of nonsense. Perhaps he thought they might upset us. He thought incorrectly (that is of course assuming that he has the cerebral capacity to engage in actual thought ) We have seen far worse photos. In fact horrid images of animals who have been killed or gutted do not upset us, it just spurs on even more to keep fighting to ban their sick hobby. Amongst the photos was this one

Then Mr Justin W Thompson ( Concord, North Carolina ) decided he had to go and start 'mouthing off ' on the page, in ignorant illiterate fashion. Silly silly boy, at 23 you would think he would know better. Hence we grabbed screenshots and went to look further at Juvenile Justin. Seems he really enjoys posing in front of mirrors. We could not help laughing ...and laughing some more
My husband was laughing his butt off at that and said ''Justin is such an idiot ,you already told him you are female ''
So Justin wants to kill people too as well as animals? No surprise there, though probably only in his dreams. See how all this killing and meat addles their brains?
Since publishing this blog he came back one more time with another foul mouthed temper tantrum. So here it is (he is now unable to comment on our Facebook page but will no doubt comment here . Oh well ;-) ) If you want to say hi he is at
So whilst we do not normally advise responding
trolls in a tantrum on our page sometimes they need to be put firmly back in their place... in front of their mirror taking selfies... right Justin?
When a mirror cannot be found the troll entertains himself practicing pulling silly facial expressions...
Teacher at Trainers Elite Mixed Martial Arts justinrockythompson(AIM) (AOL instant messenger )