Firstly let us state, do NOT be reporting their silly ridiculous page. 'People' like this will end up slipping up, or their silly members will, it is all EVIDENCE . Remember getting pages closed down is not going to stop animal abuse or killing.
Don't drive it underground, keep idiotic pages like theirs in the public eye .
So once again DOW want to pretend they are big tough and scary. I've seen bigger and tougher daisy chains!!
They put this post up, once again with the usual attempts at emotional blackmail
- see our reply (Note we made a typo on page , it was 2009 not 2008, we corrected it there on their page but no doubt they will delete the comments. We do not edit screenshots )

So where did the photo actually originate?

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Dogs Of War got OWNED by WWNBSAH ! Too funny!! Great advice too, thanks !!