Friday, 4 September 2015

Sing Along With WWNBSAH ' Summer Horror Day (Parody)

This is written to the tune of Cliff Richard's Summer Holiday - click the video for the instrumental version to sing along with the parody lyrics Admin MVR has written below ! Apt to show what sick people hunters are

We're all going on a summer horror-day
A SLAYcation  for a week or two
Fun and slaughter on our summer horror-day
Lots of trophies  for me and you
For a week or two

We're going where the sun shines brightly
We're going where the sky is blue
We've seen big five hunting in the movies
Now let's see if it's true

Every hunter has a summer horrorday
Killing  things they always wanted to
So we're gunnin' leopard, cheetah & zebra
To make our  sick dreams come true
And giraffe or two!

We're going where the sun shines brightly
We're going where the sky  is blue
We've seen it in the  African movies
Now let's see if it's true

Every hunter has a summer horror-day
Killing things they always wanted to
So we're gunnin' rhino, lion & elephant
To make our killing  dreams come true
For  pyscho me and you

Mmm, mmm
Mmm, mmm
Mmm mmmm ( to fade)

(c) Admin MVR 2015   #WWNBSAH   
(Join us on Facebook 'We Will Not Be Silenced About Hunters'  and on Twitter @WWNBSAH

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